After paying off a debt of about $1600 in October of last year, I recently received notice that I am being sued by the collection agency. My spouse and I currently have $15 in our possession. I recently received a GIANT speeding ticket as well. Right now, I can’t even afford to accept 10% instead of making payments. Should I not show up, would I be arrested? I am aware that I can receive a default judgment, but my pay is low.
You won’t end up in jail. A judgment will be rendered against you, and your wages may be garnished.
Even if I show up, I’m probably going to since I have no settlement to offer—not even 10% of the charge off.
If you are a low-income parent, you may be able to avoid having your pay garnished. But judgments are permanent, and they will be waiting for you if and when your financial situation improves.
take a job and make the payment.
I work. As a sped para, I work for minimum wage.
You own a car because you were given a speeding ticket. If you used your free time to Uber, you could pay this off in a month.