Finding a judgement on my property report when selling my house?

By the end of the year, I hope to sell my house. With part of the money, I intend to pay off some old credit card obligations, but first, I checked my property record online since I was concerned about liens. It displayed a “judgement” from one credit card but stated I had no liens. Is that equivalent to a lien? Is it still possible for me to sell my home?

Your house is not associated with a verdict. There would be and is a lien registered in the title. Investigate before making any payments. If you want them to be removed from your credit record, you might bargain for a smaller payment.

In general, your assertion is untrue. A judgement serves as a lien against property in many states, including New Jersey. a house is included in this.

Are you implying that a verdict you obtain will immediately become a lien on your home? Generally, attaching it (liening it) to your home title would require a judicial proceeding.

They’re right. This is an attorney. In many places, a judgement becomes a property lien by default.

Would it then be possible for me to sell my house? I had intended to use the proceeds from the sale to pay off the bills anyhow, but several online sites I’ve read claim you can’t sell until the obligation is settled.

Usually, the lender will assist you in resolving that so that the revenues are used to pay off your debts.