Honestly, it might be worth talking to a bankruptcy attorney. You probably wouldn’t qualify for Chapter 7, but you could look into Chapter 13.
I was in a similar situation—high credit card debt, decent income, but no real way to get ahead. It may not be the right option for you, but it’s good to explore all possibilities.
Check out the bankruptcy section on this forum too. Hope it works out for you.
You might want to check out credit counseling services. They usually charge a small fee per account, but they work with credit card companies to lower your interest rates and monthly payments.
I was paying around $2300 in minimum payments. Now I’m paying $916 a month over 58 months, and it feels like I can finally breathe.
They’ll also help you set a budget and review your spending, which was a huge wake-up call for me.
With that much debt at 25% interest, you’re probably paying over $4k a month just in interest. If your minimum payment is around $5k, only $1k is going toward the principal.
I’d recommend looking into credit counseling. They can reduce your interest rates and lower your payments. DebtWave and GreenPath are two solid options.
It wasn’t harsh. Just straight to the point. If OP thinks drinking and partying are part of the issue, that’s something to work on too. I had to cut back on my own bad spending habits before I could fix my finances.